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G13b9 chord from Robbie's Chord House
How to Play a G13 Chord
ENGINE COOLANT top up on my AUDI A4 B9 (G13 + de-ionised water)
G13 (b9#11) - Common Chord Used In Gospel (Piano)
How To Play A G13 Chord On The Piano
Another Voicing for a G13b9 chord from Robbie's Chord House
Jazz Piano 'Romantic' Chord Progression: Cmaj9 --- G13b9 - A9 --- A7b9 - Dm9 --- Fm6 - G13 -- G11
Styles of chord : G°/D - D13(b9) - G13(b9) - C9.
G13 b9 #11 -- C# Minor Triads over G7
Construction of the chord G13
G13b9 | G Dominant 13th b9 Guitar Chord